- Rose
- Santa Cruz, California, United States
- I cannot remember life without GHOSTS/SPIRITS... My interest began in the paranormal when I was 2...that's when my mom told me I first started talking about GHOSTS/SPIRITS. I grew up like most of you, learning that one shouldn't talk about the things they can see, hear and feel. Now, after years of ignoring these abilities and senses, I can no longer deny it. The TIME has come...
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
A very happy autumn to you ALL!
The time has come to select our next investigation site. We have a few ideas ourselves but would enjoy your input! POST your ideas...and we will consider all serious inquiries.
Blessed BE!
Posted by Rose at 12:30 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 10, 2006
After reviewing and compiling data from Evergreen Cemetary the team has decided this place is terrifically paranormal. This is also an area that the Ohlone Indians believed was cursed. Picture after picture seems to show a circuliar energy pattern that sometimes even appears tunnel-like. I have never encountered anything quite like it. There are many of the original California pioneers that worked with John Sutter buried there, as well as, many children.
Dimensions shift there so if YOU do decide to go, be aware of your surroundings at all times. It can become a little disorienting, dizzying there.
More to follow...
Posted by Rose at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
EVERGREEN CEMETARY - Preliminary Report
Tip of the Hat GeeBees (Ghostbusters)!
Still compiling data, HOWEVER, the team has come up with the unanimous decision that Evergreen most definately has paranormal phenomena!!! ( You try to get a bunch of people to agree on one thing unanimously ). ;0)
If you decide to go there for yourself...take care. There are a lot of strange and/or drug addicted people that like to "hide" in the graveyard.
UPCOMING: Full History & Photos; Opinions; YOUR Stories... TA - TA for Now!
Posted by Rose at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Salutations Fellow Sleuths...
Well, we are back at our base working like mad scientists on all of the data we gathered at EVERGREEN CEMETARY. There are several photos where a phantom shack/house/farm is, as well as, phantom headstones. I am trying to find out if there was indeed a structure there, historically. It also looks like we captured the image of a little pioneer girl complete with pig-tails. Again, i am working to find out if there are any connections. So , more photos are on the way! Please POST any questions, comments, or suggestions you have.
We are still deciding on our next location...Where do YOU think we should go next???
Posted by Rose at 7:23 PM 0 comments