- Rose
- Santa Cruz, California, United States
- I cannot remember life without GHOSTS/SPIRITS... My interest began in the paranormal when I was 2...that's when my mom told me I first started talking about GHOSTS/SPIRITS. I grew up like most of you, learning that one shouldn't talk about the things they can see, hear and feel. Now, after years of ignoring these abilities and senses, I can no longer deny it. The TIME has come...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
wanted to wish all of YOU...
the Merriest of Merrys & Happiest of HollyDaze!!!
In January we will resume our investigations. We have dubbed our next one...
"The Alfred Hitchcock Project"
If you love ALL things Hitchcock...stay tuned....
wait until you find out HOW MUCH Santa Cruz - CA inspired him and his movies...
Was Santa Cruz his MUSE? Join us as we find out the answer to that question and so much more!!!
Stay Safe
Designate Drivers
We LOve Ya HEre at 6 Cents!
Posted by Rose at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Posted by Rose at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery Vortex Photo
Posted by Rose at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Posted by Rose at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
A very happy autumn to you ALL!
The time has come to select our next investigation site. We have a few ideas ourselves but would enjoy your input! POST your ideas...and we will consider all serious inquiries.
Blessed BE!
Posted by Rose at 12:30 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 10, 2006
After reviewing and compiling data from Evergreen Cemetary the team has decided this place is terrifically paranormal. This is also an area that the Ohlone Indians believed was cursed. Picture after picture seems to show a circuliar energy pattern that sometimes even appears tunnel-like. I have never encountered anything quite like it. There are many of the original California pioneers that worked with John Sutter buried there, as well as, many children.
Dimensions shift there so if YOU do decide to go, be aware of your surroundings at all times. It can become a little disorienting, dizzying there.
More to follow...
Posted by Rose at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
EVERGREEN CEMETARY - Preliminary Report
Tip of the Hat GeeBees (Ghostbusters)!
Still compiling data, HOWEVER, the team has come up with the unanimous decision that Evergreen most definately has paranormal phenomena!!! ( You try to get a bunch of people to agree on one thing unanimously ). ;0)
If you decide to go there for yourself...take care. There are a lot of strange and/or drug addicted people that like to "hide" in the graveyard.
UPCOMING: Full History & Photos; Opinions; YOUR Stories... TA - TA for Now!
Posted by Rose at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Salutations Fellow Sleuths...
Well, we are back at our base working like mad scientists on all of the data we gathered at EVERGREEN CEMETARY. There are several photos where a phantom shack/house/farm is, as well as, phantom headstones. I am trying to find out if there was indeed a structure there, historically. It also looks like we captured the image of a little pioneer girl complete with pig-tails. Again, i am working to find out if there are any connections. So , more photos are on the way! Please POST any questions, comments, or suggestions you have.
We are still deciding on our next location...Where do YOU think we should go next???
Posted by Rose at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Veil Has Thinned...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!
Hello My Fellow Ghost Hunters,
Well, the day is finally here.
I cannot wait for our last vigil at EVERGREEN CEMETARY tonight, although i am a wee bit scared! We are still deciding on our next investigation site, so there is still time to put your 2 cents into our 6 cents ;0).
Did any of you watch Most Haunted last night...OMG!!!! Those scratches were so deep they looked like they needed stitches. The team is investigating the vaults underneath Edinburgh, Scotland. Apparently, it was a whole underground world filled with poverty, crime, and murder. I lived in London for a while many years ago! What an extremely haunted place.
I think it's so incredibly paranormally active in Brittany for two reasons: 1) The Earth's ley lines are quite powerful there...the Michael and Mary ley lines run right the way through Glastonbury at the Tor. 2) There have been many dark rituals of the Black Arts performed there which has had a cumulative effect. In other words, it has built on itself (evil) for centuries with every new generation! Lest we not forget Aleister Crowley hails from there. Crowley was an accopmlished adept who chose the Left-Hand Path and personal advisor to Hitler. He called himself "the Beast" and wrote prolifically of the demons he raised, etc...
Stay safe DearHearts!
Brightest Blessings!
...and don't forget to POST!
*Weird Fact: Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin bought the former home of Crowley located on the Lock (yes, where Nessie is).
Posted by Rose at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Our investigation at EVERGREEN CEMETERY is nearing its' finale. I will be going there also to bring an offering...Especially for all of those souls that were so forgotten, dishonored, and disrespect. I'll be in costume (gypsy-witch)....Wonder Inc if that may evoke anything.
Tomorrow, i will ofcourse POST new pix and give a more detailed history of EVERGREEN CEMETERY. I will also ANNOUNCE the sight of our next investigation. Where do YOU think we should go next???
POST & PICK1)The Brookdale Lodge - site where old Hollywoods' rich and famous used to go "to get away from it all; reputedly haunted by a little girl name named Sarah who drowned in the brook that runs through the lodge & others....Featured on the Travel and Discovery channels.
2)The Mystery Spot - Place where gravity virtually stops. Featured in Life Magazine.
3)The Sunshine Villa - Site of Alfred Hitchcock's inspiration for the film PSYCHO.
Posted by Rose at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Greetings Fellow Ghostbusters!
Learned something new yesterday while conducting visit #3 at Evergreen cemetery:
It's a really good idea to try to visit your investigation site 2-4 times if at all possible. This will help you get a good feel for the lighting, energy, as well as, red-herrings. This way investigations become even more credible when you have tried to duplicate or debunk your own investigation results. Helps us all reach the TRUTH...Which is what we're all searching for anyway, right?!
Check back often as i will try to update this post daily with new photos and/or information.
Posted by Rose at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
We returned today for a quick walk-thru to see the cemetery at a different time of day...It was about 5:00 pm the last time so today we went at noon. Whilst walking thru we were able to debunk some of our own questionable photos. Don't be afraid to doubt, just keep your eyes open.
There was a group of school children there for a field trip (?)...I highly recommend ,if possible, several different visits to a location. See what the place looks like in the morning, day, and night...get a sense for the light and how the natural shadows fit in. This really helps authenticate one's pictures even more. Our last visit will be Halloween...We will post our findings and conclusions for the Evergreen cemetery on November 1, The Day of the Dead... ~Cheers
Looking forward to hear from you!
Posted by Rose at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Posted by Rose at 8:52 PM 2 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Well, we've been analyzing the shots we took and frankly the team is really tripping off of some of the pix. In one of the photos, up the hill and round-about the time my batteries drained, it looks almost like hter is a figure in the bushes...possibly the lady in white...although she is not white if it's her, she's a shadow. Played with the picture to see if we could make any details out but we couldn't yet...the investigation is still young and we haven't really begun any EVP's.
Some of the pictures are as clear as day while others have a kind of a whirl-windy, portal/dimension shifting thing going on. Please POST FEEDBACK! Do you think we captured anything?
Posted by Rose at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Hello my Fellow Ghostbusters...
Well as promised
i am posting the results of our prliminary investigation, albeit a day late. Actually, i had to go today...yesterdays plans fell thru.
The experience was a trip. The clearest picture is of the grave that i cleaned last week during our baseline tests. My digi has the stablizer feature and it was on...although it sure doesn't look like it!!!!
I made a classic mistake...i forgot extra batteries...i had just put new ones in. They died half way thru!!! But this is what i got...PLEASE POST WHAT YOU THINK OF THESE!!!!!!!More to come...
Posted by Rose at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Friday, October 20, 2006
Hi Everyone!
I am so excited!!! We are off to our preliminary investigation at the EVERGREEN CEMETARY. I cannot wait to see i can capture any paranormal activity on film?! The moment i get back i will update you all with pictures...even if they are not paranormal in nature, i still want you all to see this OLD cemetary. By theway, i noticed there was a female Borden buried there born in 1802 in Boston (wonder if she was related to Lizzie?)
We will bring our trusty K-9 unit Angel! I will post later today with the results,
Posted by Rose at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Hi Everyone!
I am so excited!!! We are off to our preliminary investigation at the EVERGREEN CEMETARY. I cannot wait to see i can capture any paranormal activity on film?! The moment i get back i will update you all with pictures...even if they are not paranormal in nature, i still want you all to see this OLD cemetary. By theway, i noticed there was a female Borden buried there born in 1802 in Boston (wonder if she was related to Lizzie?)
We will bring our trusty K-9 unit Angel! I will post later today with the results,
Posted by Rose at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
K - 9 UNIT and the Halloween Ghost Hunt Begins
Hi Everyone!
I am so excited!!! We are off to our preliminary investigation at the EVERGREEN CEMETARY. I cannot wait to see i can capture any paranormal activity on film?! The moment i get back i will update you all with pictures...even if they are not paranormal in nature, i still want you all to see this OLD cemetary. By theway, i noticed there was a female Borden buried there born in 1802 in Boston (wonder if she was related to Lizzie?)
We will bring our trusty K-9 unit Angel! I will post later today with the results,
Posted by Rose at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Evergreen Cemetery California Pioneers Orbs Shadows Vortex
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Greetings Fellow Ghostbusters!
So is everyone preparing for their HALLOWEEN jaunts?!
You know, i would LOVE to hear about any of YOUR upcoming investigations (even if , by the way, you're conducting it yourself). My mission for this blog is to create an online community for paranormal investigators, armchair PI's, and the curious. Ideally, people will be able to connect, share research, and/or experiences. I will update you all often of our current 6 CENTS NVESTIIGATIONS -based in SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA.
We are going tomorrow to take pictures, video, and tape-recordings at the EVERGREEN CEMETARY (one of the oldest in California)in preperation for our "vigil" on Halloween. I will update you with more of the rich history and legends (albeit rather dark) of Santa Cruz over the next 13 days...
Some of these stories will include: the BROOKDALE LODGE; the MYSTERY SPOT; Mt.MADONNA; ALFRED HITCHCOCK; the WINCESTER MYSTERY HOUSE and more...Please stay tuned and please feel free to contact us! No question is too stupid. NON-JUDGEMENTAL. This is a place to share supernatural ideas, pictures, experiences, and questions. This blog will expand as we see the focus of interest take shape from you all.
Enjoy the Pictures! Here is our resident K-9 unit Angel!
Posted by Rose at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
FRIDAY the 13th
As ALL HALLOWS EVE approaches and the moon wanes there is a quickening in Santa Cruz California...The birth of 6 CENTS INVESTIGATIONS is on the horizon. We call ourselves that because we never charge a fee for our investigations and for the obvious play on words. We are very serious and dedicated researchers of the paranormal. I personally have researched many avenues of the paranormal for the past 20 years.
We have an team of 8 active investigators. 3 consider themselves to be psychic or mediums, 2 are techies, and of course our 2 resident skeptics...they are the ones who keep us "grounded". We will conduct our FIRST OFFICIAL investigation on Halloween night 2006. The site we have chosen is named EVERGREEN CEMETARY.
It is one of the oldest graveyards in all of California. There have been several sightings of a "white lady" here. In fact, one website of fellow ghost investigators, says that she is most dangerous and to stay away from her. It seems these 2 were investigating the cemetary and wandered over to the Chinese area of graves. There they saw a "white lady" sweeping around a shack. When she saw them she shoooed them aggressively out of the graveyard. A couple of months later, they went back to the same spot and there was NO shack.
The EVERGREEN CEMETARY sits on top of a mass grave of the native Ohlone Indians. It seems they were ambushed by a warring tribe from the Sacramento area and they were too numerous to bury individually. When i went to survey the site on 10/11/06 to do some basline tests and what not, i was immediately struck by the amount of disrepair of this Historical California Landmark. As i made my way thru the graveyard (with my trusty dog Angel ofcourse), i was angered by all of the beer cans, trash, and even panties (next time i'm bringin' a trash bag and a pair of gloves to clean up!). When i reached the top of the cemetary, i realised this was the Chinese area i had heard so much about. I was overcome with an unexplainable hollow kind of sadness. I noticed only a few visible head stones, the rest had been overgrown with ivy and thick under brush. There's no real way to know how many peoples graves were covered. One grave stood out for me. It was up a steep incline to reach it. It had a tiny wooden headstone barely visible, with nothing written on it. It looked like it might have been a childs grave. I bent down determined to clean up this teeny little grave.
Suddenly, my spine literally tingled (it was a cold, buzzing feeling)and i whipped around. It felt as if someone had followed me and was now right behind me peering over my shoulder to see what i was doing. When i looked i saw nothing and went back to my task. Slowly, a calm washed over the cemetary. It felt like there were spirits that had waited a long time for honor and respect. i feel excited to return!
Please post stories, pictures, or experiences you have had...especially if you feel too embarrassed to teel anyone for fear of ridicule. All ideas are respected here. This is a safe space!!!
Posted by Rose at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Double Rainbows, Red mists, and Orbs
Let me introduce myself...as this is my first post
I have lived in the Santa Cruz CA area now for 20 years and boy is it rich with legends, mystery and paranormal phenomena. From the Mystery Spot where gravity seems to cease, to the famed haunted Brookdale Lodge where all of Old Hollywoods' royalty would go to get-away, to having inspired none other than Mr.Hitchcock himself. Yep, both Psycho AND The Birds were from Santa Cruz. Alfred Hitchcock was so "intrigued" with the gothic architecture and folklore that he actually took up residence here.
Having seen spirits since i was 2, i was more than delighted to find paranormal phenomena captured on my 35mm film. It's like a window into the spirit world that i've been ridiculed for seeing my whole life. Finally some poosible proof...
It was a clear, dry day this past summer. I noticed outside my kitchen an enormous, full arching Double Rainbow in the sky. Having only seen this happen once before, i grabbed my camera to take some "artistic" pictures. I took a sequence of about 7 pictures. When i got the film back there were amazing anomalies. You can actually see 3 orbs come from the background to the forefront. As if that weren't enough... a bizarre red mist appears in 2 of the photos. It looks almost like a phantom...arms outstretched. In the last photo, the red mist seems to be exiting the picture frame from the bottom left corner! What a trip!!!!
Ofcourse i showed the pix to several people and someone suggested i mail them to a website like www.Coast-toCoast.com . I emailed them to a fantastic, resourceful website that is just stocked with paranormal pictures www.wintersteel.com . Check my pix at the bottom of the Photos page at
"It just gets Curiouser and Curiouser! " - Alice in Wonderland